
Breast Reduction

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What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction service in Turkey is the removal of the skin-breast gland tissue that causes weight and sagging from the breast. In addition, the remaining whole of the breast is shaped in a more upright and aesthetically improved condition.  Breast reduction surgery which is one of the most common surgeries in breast aesthetics is performed not only in women but also in male patients. Gynecomastia can be helpful for males who experience which is breast enlargement in men as well.

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What is the Breast Reduction Procedure?

The basic steps in breast reduction surgery are; moving the sagging nipple to a higher point reducing the nipple if necessary by removing the excess skin-breast tissue and reshaping the remaining tissue aesthetically. In this procedure, the size and severity of the scars will vary depending on the way the nipple is moved and the tissue removal method.

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How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in Turkey?

“Breast Reduction cost Turkey” is one of the most frequently asked issues about breast reduction surgery. The procedure performed, the type of treatment needed, and the interventions that the patient will receive in the hospital due to the health condition of the patient are decisive in breast reduction surgery.  Vanity Cosmetic Surgery Hospital Breast Reduction cost in Turkey starts from €3,299. However the price may change due to additional procedures if patients request a breast lift alongside this breast reduction. 

Breast Reduction Cost in Turkey vs. the UK & US

Breast Reduction in Turkey prices vary depending on the quality of the material to be used the experience of the doctor, the clinic where the procedure will be performed, and the condition of the patient. The average cost for breast reduction surgery in the UK ranges from approximately £8,500 to £10,900 whereas in US can range from $10,000 to $17,000. Breast reduction Turkey offers this service by combining both the highest level of quality and affordable prices. It is one of the few countries that can offer this exception.

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Why Choose Turkey for a Breast Reduction?

Turkey offers first-class quality low-cost breast reduction treatment in internationally accredited hospitals to anyone seeking breast reduction surgery. In addition, Turkey offers many tourist attractions and activities for patients to enjoy during the recovery process ensuring that patients get the most out of their experience.

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We always offer you the best service in our comfortable and hygienic hospitals

Breast Reduciton in Turkey Fast Facts

Turkey is a country that has made significant progress in the field of health tourism. In this sense, it uses the latest technological devices and techniques compared to other countries. Breast reduction surgery is performed to remove excess breast tissue and fat. Moreover, men with gynaecomastia are also provided with a solution.

Our Breast Reduction Doctors

Vanity Estetik Doktoru Güray Yeşiladalı
Güray Yeşiladalı, M.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • Officially appointed expert in the field of plastic surgery, Highly experienced plastic surgeon specialising in breast and buttock enhancements, rhinoplasty, liposuction, fat transfer procedures.
  • Graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine.
  • Won the Turkish-German Medical Association Scholarship and had the chance to study in Giessen University, Germany.
  • He started his Plastic Surgery residency in Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital in Istanbul.
  • Apart from performing thousands of plastic surgery operations, he was accepted as an International Fellow to Wisconsin University, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in United States, and had the chance to improve his surgical skills, experience and international communication abilities.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • International Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ISAPS),
  • Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association (EPCD),
  • Fellow of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (FEBOPRAS)
  • Istanbul Medical Chamber
  • Rhinoplasty Society of Europe


  • Performing thousands of plastic surgery operations.
  • Founder of Vanity Cosmetic Surgery hospital(2016).
Prof. Dr. Sinem Eroğlu
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • Graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine in English in 2000,
  • Completed her residency in the field of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2006.
  • In 2012 by being successful in written and oral exams and has received a professor title in 2022.
  • Assumed the administrative responsibility for University of Health Sciences Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital between 2012 and 2021.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • International Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ISAPS).
  • Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery(FEBOPRAS).


  • Prof. Dr. Sinem Eroğlu, who has more than 50 articles and more than 100 announcements that were published in the international and national scientific journals.
  • Accept her clients in Vanity Cosmetic Surgery Hospital since 2022.
  • Working at Vanity Cosmetic Surgery hospital since 2022
Can Zeliha Gül, M.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • Dr. Can Zeliha Gül completed her medical training at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine (Çapa Medicine) in 2011.
  • M.D. Gül began her professional career by receiving specialization training in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Şişli Etfal Research and Training Hospital, where she worked between 2011 and 2017.
  • From 2017 to 2019, she served in the field of Plastic Surgery at Gaziantep Nizip State Hospital.
  • She worked at Vanity Cosmetic Surgery Hospital from 2019 to 2021, further enhancing her knowledge and experience in the field of aesthetic surgery.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • Fellow of the European Board Of Plastic, Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgery (FEBOPRAS)
  • Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD)
  • Aesthetic And Plastic Surgery Association (EPCD)
  • Turkish Doctors Assoc. (TTB)
  • International Society Of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)


  • In August 2023, she rejoined the team at Vanity Hospital. She aims to provide patients with the highest quality healthcare utilizing her knowledge and skills in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery to enhance their quality of life.
Mert Sızmaz, M.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • Graduated at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine in English.
  • Specialty training at Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital.
  • In 2019 he was in the United States as part of the observership program.
  • He completed his compulsory service at Kars Harakani State Hospital.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD)
  • Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery(FEBOPRAS)
  • Istanbul Medical Chamber
  • Turkey Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society
  • Turkish Doctors Assoc.


  • He had the opportunity to experience many surgeries at Tampa General Hospital.
  • He has publications in many national and international journals.
  • Working at Vanity Cosmetic Surgery Hospital since 2023.
Op. Dr. Çağatay Öner
Çağatay Öner, M.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • Dr. Çağatay Öner completed his medical education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa English Faculty of Medicine in 2014.
  • He completed his Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery specialist training, which he started in 2015, at Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital in 2020.
  • In 2019, he participated in an observership program in Germany to enhance his experience in the field of Aesthetic Surgery.
  • He worked in the field of Plastic Surgery at Şırnak State Hospital between 2020-2022.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (TPRECD)
  • Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (FEBOPRAS)
  • Turkish Doctors Assoc.


  • He has publications in various national and international journals.
  • His hobbies include nature photography, skiing, scuba diving, and trekking.
Aysel Paşazade, M.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • In 2010, she began medical education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine.
  • Completed her medical education in 2016, started to work in Bursa Uludağ University Hospital in 2018 as a specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  • M.D. Paşazade successfully completed her specialization training in 2023 and earned the title of ‘Specialist Doctor.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • M.D. Paşazade member of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association. (EPCD)
  • 7th İstanbul Rhinoplasty Live Surgery Course
  • Face to Face Istanbul 2024 – Live Surgery International Congress


  • During her tenure, she has participated in trainings and symposiums to strengthen her expertise in the field.
  • Among her hobbies is painting, where she expresses her creativity on the canvas.
Op. Dr. Barış Kanık profil fotoğrafı
Barış Kanık, M.D.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Personal Details

  • Started his medical education at Dokuz Eylül University in 2009.
  • Completed his medical education in 2015, started to work in Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital in 2017 as a specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  • In 2022, he left this hospital and was appointed to Çankırı State Hospital.
  • Dr. Kanık completed his 2-year compulsory service in Çankırı State Hospital 2022-2024.

Certifications and professional memberships

  • European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS) Certificate
  • Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD) Certificate
  • Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Course


  • During his working life, he attended training that would strengthen his expertise in his field and received various
  • His hobbies include playing the electric guitar, cultivating plants, and cycling.
  • Working at Vanity Cosmetic Surgery Hospital since August 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the person has completed puberty each breast can be reduced. Especially if there is disproportion, this asymmetry can be corrected.

Depending on the size of the breasts and the surgical techniques applied Breast Reduction surgeries take around 2-3 hours.

Turkey is a country that offers a high level of quality in terms of health tourism. Therefore, it also provides a safe service for breast reduction surgery.

The highest risk in the first 24 hours is hemorrhage at the operation site. This possibility is approximately 1-2%. The amount of bleeding is monitored and if necessary a short operation is performed on the same night. This does not affect the final aesthetic status but it means an operation under additional anaesthesia.

During the operation fat, connective, secretory tissues, and some of the skin tissue of the breast are surgically removed from the body. In this operation, excess fat tissue can also be specially removed by methods such as liposuction.

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure performed under general or local anesthesia (sedation support). Lollipop incision and inverted T incision methods are used.

Breast reduction in Turkey service is one of the least painful types of aesthetic surgery. There is mild pain in the first few days but it can be controlled and mitigated with simple painkillers.

During breast reduction surgery the milk-producing glands are largely preserved and breastfeeding is possible. However, you should be informed that this is not guaranteed and you are advised to consult further with an expert.

Most patients who previously suffered from back or neck pain will feel immediate relief as the weight in their breasts is reduced.

There is no ideal breast size for breast reduction surgery. Your aesthetic and medical aspirations are important in deciding the size of the breasts after reduction. The original size of the breast, and the patient’s age, height, weight, and body structure should also be taken into consideration. In general, a reduction of 1 or 2 sizes may be ideal. The whole process is evaluated together with the doctor.

Although it varies according to each size, C may be a suitable size for breast reduction but a surgeon should evaluate whether it is definitive.

There is no strict weight restriction or limitation for breast reduction surgery in Turkey. Therefore being overweight does not automatically mean that you cannot have this procedure. However, the results show that people who are closer to the ideal body weight tend to be more aesthetic.

This procedure reduces the breasts by 1-2 sizes. However, a more pronounced reduction is possible when the breasts are extremely heavy and saggy or oversized.

If sufficient reduction is achieved in the breasts that have been reduced it can be said that more than 90% of these breasts will not grow again.

As with any surgery involving incisions breast reduction surgery is a scarred surgery. In the early postoperative period, the scars may be darker and more prominent. Within 6-12 months the scars will become quite faint and close to the skin color. The scar of breast reduction surgery may become too faint to be noticed in some patients.

İdari ve Medikal İşlerden Sorumlu Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Emre Erol

About The Author

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Dr. Emre Erol


He graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2006. Dr. Emre Erol completed his specialization at Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine. In addition to being an active physician in the Ministry of Health for 16 years, he has held administrative positions such as educator, manager and responsible physician for more than 10 years. Dr. Erol is interested in traditional and alternative medicine practices as well as modern medicine practices and has the Ministry of Health Mesotherapy and Ozone Therapy Application certificates.

Resources & References

Sachs, D., & Szymanski, K. D. (2023, June 27). Breast Reduction.

Altomara, D. (2023, November 21). Breast Reduction Surgery: An Overview.

Breast Reduction | Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.).

Breast reduction surgery – Mayo Clinic. (2024, June 29).

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